Art & Culture 52'


In 1982, at the age of 35 and at the peak of his glory, the actor Patrick Dewaere brutally ended his life, leaving behind him a short but brilliant film career. Today, he remains one of the most iconic yet elusive figures in French cinema.


Born in 1947 into a family of artists, Patrick Bourdeaux (known as Dewaere) entered the 7th art early on. But his breakthrough truly came in 1974, with the famous dark comedy Les Valseuses, in which he played a young hooligan. From then on, he went on to star in numerous films, playing characters who are by turns spirited and rebellious, tender and sincere, taciturn and fragile…


Through the words of his brother and of those who admired or worked alongside him, this documentary traces back the shortened and tormented life of this unforgettable actor.

Direction: Frédéric Zamochnikoff

Production: Flair Production for Ciné+

Languages: French

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