Travel & Adventure 4K 4x52'

Eternal Egypt

Three centuries after the first discoveries, Egypt still reveals new buried treasures, and its inexhaustible myths continue to exist.


In this modern context, what has become of the river, the source of the Egyptians' livelihood for thousands of years? What does death mean today? What strength does eternity still have in the minds of its inhabitants? And what can be found in the arid desert?


Combining geography, civilization and archaeology, this series unveils the most spectacular places in Egypt, and takes us to meet those who continue to maintain the legends. A dreamlike journey through four powerful and mysterious symbols around which the identity of Egyptian civilization was built: Death, Eternity, the Desert and the Nile.

Episode 1 : The River Nile

Episode 2 : Death

Episode 3 : Legacy

Episode 4 : The Desert

Direction: Romain Fleury

Production: Bo Travail ! for Voyage

Languages: French, English

see also