Human Stories 13x26’

Sea Legends

Long ago, Earth was dominated by supernatural spirits living in the oceans. Man however, lived in perfect harmony with them, thanks to a sacred alliance he concluded with the marine mammals.


Today however, throughout the world, exist ethnic minorities whose daily lives continue to bear witness to contemporary myths : these legends are their faith, and the animals, their gods.


From the shark tamers of the Pacific to the crocodile hunters of the Australian reef, Sea Legends reveals the most wondrous of beliefs which unite man and nature in the spectacular, thousand-year old fulfilment of a magical destiny.

  • Teuira, the man who talks to sharks
  • The Crocodile Dream
  • The Black Island
  • Tanna, island of magic stones
  • The Wings of the Sea
  • Tika Pana Pana
  • Waves of Gold and Silver
  • The Quest of King Lambo
  • The Wings of the Fisherman
  • The Firebird of Rio Maximo
  • Cocodrileros
  • The Men of the Big Rock
  • The Dinga-Dinga Season

Direction: Jean Queyrat, Jean Michel Corillion, Vincent Grémillon, Benoit Ségur, Jérôme Ségur & Olivier Roussin

Production: ZED for RFO

Languages: French, Arab, Brazilian Portuguese, Español, Italian, Japanese, Neutral Spanish, Polish, Russian, English

awards & festivals

  • International Film Festival of Toulon (France)

    Public Awards - Tanna, Island of Magic Stones

  • Jules Vernes Film Festival (France)

    Public Award & Best Subject Award - Teuira, the man who talks to sharks

  • Underwater Film Festival of Antibes (France)

    Official Selection - Teuira, the man who talks to sharks

  • International Film Festival of Toulon (France)

    CIDALC Prize - Teuira, The man who talks to sharks / Public Awards - The Crocodile Dream

  • Television Film Festival of Shangai (China)

    Official Selection - Teuira, the man who talks to sharks

  • International Film Festival of Rodez (France)

    Young Jury Awards - Teuira, the man who talks to sharks

see also