Nature 52'


A "fluffy cat" which spends its days in a cat café in Tokyo, a cat left to its fate in Greece and a farm cat in the French countryside: three lives of kittens, from the survivor to the pacha, from their birth to their first reproduction. We discover the portrait of one of the closest and most mysterious companions of humanity. Playing, learning, hunting, breeding... What is still feline in them?

Since its domestication a few thousand years ago, man has maintained a companion relationship with the cat. Today, it seems that the cat is the object of a phenomenon of adoration that would have left our ancestors perplexed. In an attempt to understand the complex nature of our relationship with this animal, this film follows three stories of cats born under different skies, each with a particular relationship to its environment. It explores the different relationships that these cats have with their wild side... and with man.

Direction: Emma Baus

Production: Nord-Ouest Documentaires for France Télévisions

Languages: French, English

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