Travel & Adventure 4K 52'

Under The Pole: Deep Sea Corals of Polynesia

After becoming the first to film beneath the North Pole and beating records in terms of deep diving in Arctic waters, Ghislain and Emmanuelle Bardout are now heading for the South Pacific to explore the corals of the deep. Aboard the Why, in the company of biologist Laetitia Hédoin, they will study how these reefs function.


Thanks to aerial footage and never-before-seen underwater film gathered during dives of up to 150m in previously unexplored waters, they will reveal this fascinating underwater world. A human adventure at the heart of Polynesian culture, that reveals the evolution of the corals upon which the local population depends for so much.

Direction: Vincent Pérazio

Production: ZED for ARTE France

Languages: French, English

awards & festivals

  • International Adventure Film & Book Festival (FIFAV)


  • Ocean Film Festival World Tour

    Official selection

  • European Festival of Underwater Pictures

    Official selection

  • International Underwater Film Festival in Belgrade

    Official selection

  • Festival of Underwater Pictures of Montataire in the Oise region of France

    Official selection

  • Festival International du Film d’Aventure of La Rochelle

    Official selection

see also