Science 4K 52'

Toilet, A New Era

Flushing Old Habits Away

While poor countries are sorely lacking of toilet facilities, rich countries are wasting water with each flush. In one year, we produce more than 720 million tons of solid excrements and 570 million liters of urine in the world. Thus, combining the disposal of our droppings and the water resource management is a major environmental challenge.


For a few years, renewed calls were launched by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to create the toilets of the future, and to provide sustainable sanitation solutions for the 2.3 billion of humans who are lacking water and have no access to proper facilities.


What will be the toilets of the future? With humor and scientific rigor, this documentary lifts the veil on this eternal taboo and takes us all over the world to discover what the future holds for our toilets.

Direction: Thierry Berrod

Production: Mona Lisa Production for ARTE France

Languages: French, English

awards & festivals

  • Goethe Institute Science Film Festival 2020

    Technology Award

  • Festival du Film Scientifique de la Réunion

    Bronze Trophy

see also