Social issues 60'


Paris Labour Court deals with around 10% of the dispute that arise between employees and employers. Unpaid wages, unfair dismissal, moral or physical harassment… A wide range of cases are discussed here on a daily basis. Beyond the infringement of the law, these conflicts reveal a deep need for recognition and dignity.


Thanks to unprecedented access, Julie Talon has pushed open the doors of this Labour Court and set up her camera in the hearing rooms, where the dynamics of corporate power are deciphered every day. Alongside the hearings, the filmmaker gives a voice to the lay magistrates responsible for ruling "in the name of the French people". Each of them shares their thoughts and dilemmas.


This documentary offers an immersion into the heart of this unique and little-known popular jurisdiction.

Direction: Julie Talon

Production: Les Films du Balibari for France Télévisions

Languages: French

see also