Science 4K 3x52'

Hurricane, the Anatomy

Many begin as harmless breezes from Northern Africa; inoffensive winds that gradually move westwards over the tropical Atlantic Ocean, gathering energy from the warm seawater, building in strength and gradually forming the unmistakable spiral of extreme winds and thunderstorms that characterize hurricanes.


Shot entirely in 3D, this three-part series has been produced over a three-year period, with crews standing in the path of hurricane landfalls, such as Sandy and Isaac, to witness the devastation wreaked by one of the most powerful forces on Earth.

  • Episode 1: Predicting the Unpredictable
  • Episode 2: Shaping the Wilderness
  • Episode 3: Winds of change

Direction: John Jackson & Andy Byatt

Production: Saint Thomas Productions, CLIMAX FILMS, TS PRODUCTIONS & KIZMAR FILMS for Planète & ARTE France

Languages: French, English

see also