Science 4K 52' 90'

Cephalopods, Conquest of the Seas

Squid, octopus or cuttlefish: these strange soft-bodied animals never cease to surprise us.


From the abyss to the tropics, an incredibly intelligent population has continued to grow for more than half a century. Armed with astonishing intellectual abilities, they quickly adapt to environmental changes, and overcome the upheavals that have contributed to the disappearance of other species.


Shot over three years around the world, this film portrays these strange molluscs. Thanks to breathtaking shots captured with submersibles and specialized underwater filming equipment, it reveals unexpected or spectacular behaviours of little-known species in remote locations. Through striking footage, and thanks to the use of macro-lenses, Cephalopods, Conquest of The Seas plunges us as close as possible to tiny, hardly observable species to discover their unique physiology.

Direction: Bertrand Loyer

Production: Saint Thomas Productions for ARTE G.E.I.E

Languages: French, English

awards & festivals

  • Festival International du Film Ornithologique de Ménigoute

    Prix Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine de la Créativité

  • Scientific Film Festival of the Réunion Island

    Bronze Trophy

  • FIPIM - Bordeaux (France)

    Best image & public prize awards

  • Jackson Media

    Honorable mention

see also