History 52'

From Moscow With Love

Throughout the Cold War until the fall of the Soviet bloc in 1989, thousands of French people set off to discover the Soviet Union, to them synonymous with power and progress. These were veritable pilgrimages for those who had faith in Communism. And for the Soviets, these tourist trips were a way to help gain influence against the American enemy.

Thirty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, what memories remain of these trips east for those who had completely bought into the notion of a Communist utopia? How did their travels change their belief in Communism? 

We will retell history by weaving together these personal and family experiences through their own images, many of them never seen before. This is the story of a belief in the ideal of Communism, of admiration of its model in the USSR, but also sometimes a tale of disenchantment.

Direction: Yvan Demeulandre

Production: ZED for France Télévisions

Languages: French

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