Science 8K 52'

Let it Snow!

While snow spontaneously evokes beauty and poetry in our collective minds, this form of water is more crucial to our biodiversity than we might imagine. Yet, the snow is threatened by temperature increasement.

With global warming the influence of snow type is even more unpredictable, causing major changes to the frozen regions of the planet. With snowfall in decline, by the year 2100 between 50% to 90% of mountain glaciers are predicted to disappear. Changes that have a major impact on the cycle of life of plants and animals.

Alongside scientists and with stunning 8K images of animals, landscapes and snowy mountains, this scientific investigation explores the impacts of the coming lack of snow on biodiversity.

Direction: Jacqueline Farmer & Cyril Barbançon

Production: Saint Thomas Productions & Ouragan FIlms for ARTE G.E.I.E. & Ushuaïa TV

Languages: French, English

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